
The following is a list of charities that receive donations from Viking Secreto. As our company grows, we will continue to add more charities to this list. Viking Secreto has always aimed to be part of the solution and not contribute to the problem. It is common for companies to prioritize profits over community well-being. The mission of Viking Secreto, known as 'For the American,' revolves around protecting, promoting, and enhancing the United States of America and its people.


Our Story, Our Promise

Viking Secreto is proud to donate to The Colorado Park Foundation. Being another proud Colorado establishment, The Colorado Park Foundation aims to enhance, guard, and stimulate all of the Colorado State Parks. Protecting and promoting Colorado's beautiful landscape has been and will continue to be a priority for Viking's Secreto.

Visit The Colorado Park Foundation


Our Story, Our Promise

With great pride and honor, Viking Secreto donates to Semper Fi & America's Fund. Semper Fi & America's Fund assists all service members and their families that are in need. Ranging from therapy, and housing assistance, to emergency services, this charity protects those who protected the United States.

Visit the Semper Fi & America's Fund